in the last months I had the possibility to visit Switzerland.
Some days ago I was in Bern, where I spent 2 days. Here some pictures :).
I sightsaw the city by bicycle, I love to do it :). Weather was beautiful and people as well.
The city was full of football fans, even if Bern only hosted the so called "Fanzone"s, i.e. squares provided with enormous screens and closed, creating protected and safe areas. A lot of policemen were at the entry of the zones and all ov
The city is nice and small.
I found Einstein Museum and the Museum of the communication really interesting. I loved Einstein Museum because of the structure, it is well organized in periods. Each period is well organized by using a description of the society, economical situation in which Einstein lived. It was like living with h
I also learned the Relativity Theory ;).
Moreover I appreciated the videos of the postwar. A section in the museum was dedicated to the second world war. Among the others, there were two monitors, one projecting life in Switzerland after the second world war, and the other life in Europe in the same period. It is incredible how they differed! Ski holidays, life and prosperity in Switzerland; corpses, ruins, sadness in Eur
The Museum of the communication is an "interactive" museum and I like these kind of museums :).