Thursday 17 September 2009

La politica .. e il senso della misura ( 17 sett 2009)

Questo articolo pubblicato oggi dal Corriere della sera mi è proprio piaciuto.

Ritengo che parecchie persone oggi credono di essere superiori ad ogni altro essere umano e la cosa è spaventosa, e tristemente simile alle basi che portarono estremismi come nazismo, apatheid ...

Tutti gli estremismi vanno combattuti, per fortuna abbiamo una mente per eleborare e un cuore per provare sentimenti. Essi lavorano insieme, e producono ragione e sentimento. Per fortuna.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

Tuesday 26 May 2009

Strange combination

Pronto! ("Ready")


Tuesday 12 May 2009

Papa Benedetto XVI. Israele lo critica

Povero Papa, si trova ad affrontare un duro confronto..


Sunday 10 May 2009

World Press Photo 2009

I 've just been to the World Press Photo Exhibition 2009 (currently hosted in Zurich).
My impression about it? I felt not the same emotion I felt the first time I saw it, I 'm little bit disappointed, I am not expert but I didn't get such a special emotion in front of the photo, as usual happens when you see a special and well-done photo.
What I liked a lot is, as always, stories they want to tell. From American mortgages crisis to immigrates tragedy, and so on. You can have a look at the site it reports a nice gallery.


Tuesday 5 May 2009

Back to my beloved blog

I 'm back to my loved and secure blog..far away from futility, curiosity, useless links, suspicious other words FB!

Here is the place where I like to share my impressions, idea, feelings and so on..

Wishing to be active blogger again!



Hi there!
It is long time I haven't posted about my travels.

So, here is Neuchatel! Really nice villlage :) one hour from Zurich by train.
I enjoyed a lot sightseeing by bycicle for one day.


Thursday 30 April 2009

Effetto Warholl

Tuesday 17 March 2009

Monday 16 March 2009

Monday mood

Is it due to "Report" about Catania?
Or is it due to the eagerness and current impossibility to create my own life-space?
Or is it due to the calm at the office?

Whatever is the reason of this is a bad Monday.


Thursday 5 March 2009

Internet e leggi .. interessante

Mi pare interessante questo punto di vista sui social network. Mi piace linkarlo nel mio blog.


Monday 12 January 2009

Desperation ..

This morning I was listening to the radio and driving office. It was raining and the highway was quite dangerous due to the rain and the limited visibility.
Suddenly I thought how should be the morning in Gaza. I thought about a person there, starting the day like me this morning, not sure he had slept, looking at the world around him. How did he feel? Desperation, desolation, hopelessness ... destruction, death, fear of living.
I stopped radio and I thought to say everyone to stop and think to him just for one minute. Think of him, as war is real, is there, men, women, children there are living the war.
I hoped at least one person in Gaza can listen to music for ... 5 minutes ... to make his mind away from there, to make him maybe calm for 1 minute.
Sadness, impotence, anger ... war.
