Monday 12 January 2009

Desperation ..

This morning I was listening to the radio and driving office. It was raining and the highway was quite dangerous due to the rain and the limited visibility.
Suddenly I thought how should be the morning in Gaza. I thought about a person there, starting the day like me this morning, not sure he had slept, looking at the world around him. How did he feel? Desperation, desolation, hopelessness ... destruction, death, fear of living.
I stopped radio and I thought to say everyone to stop and think to him just for one minute. Think of him, as war is real, is there, men, women, children there are living the war.
I hoped at least one person in Gaza can listen to music for ... 5 minutes ... to make his mind away from there, to make him maybe calm for 1 minute.
Sadness, impotence, anger ... war.


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