Saturday, 16 December 2006

Parco dei Nebrodi

I wish to show you the park of Nebrodi. It is located in Sicily (as you can easily realized). I went there for two days with some colleagues of mine and I had a jeep excursion through the park. We passed over the mountains and reached the opposite side of those. It was fantastic. Only nature, nothing else than flora and fauna.

Spite of december and the 900 meters of altitude, there wasn't snow. It was a sunny day but there were 8 degrees.
We left Troina (and its fog), a small village in the south of the mountains in the morning, with 4 jeeps. Each jeep driven by an expert ;). They brought us through wood, lakes and lowlands. After a little break at the Villa Miraglia (Cesarò) just for having a warm chocolate or a coffee and use the bath if necessary (even if the wood is FULL of "bathrooms" (as the guide said me), but only for MEN I wish to add ;)), we continued our excursion and reached S.Teodoro, a small village in the north of the mountains. The excursion taked more or less 5 hours. We took a walk also, there was mud because the day before it rained and the ground is made of argil. The result is that walking can be dangerous if you don't have the correct shoes. Some of us had the shoes for trekking, some others (like me) had only regular boots. Poor shoes :(.
During the trip, each jeep was connected to the others through radio. The jeeps run one after another, as you can see in the picture, while the guide described us the park. The "jeep guys" showed us the "twist", a particular wheels position, when the jeep pass over a irregular ground, the wheel are totally "twisted". They enjoyed the trip and we as well.
I published some pictures about Nebrodi, click on one of them to see more.

1 comment:

SideShow Surfer said...

Really great picture.Thanks!. :)