Friday 20 April 2007


This is a post dedicated to Athens, Greece.
Last year I spent two months (June and July) in Athens. Now, I 'm in Athens again but for 2 days.
As soon as I landed I noticed that sun in Greece is different, is warmer and lighter than other countries. This enjoyed me a lot.
When arrived at office (13 o' clock more or less) I watched through window (I was at third floor) and I saw the "glittering" buildings ;). That is, most of the buildings (maybe every building in Athens) has a solar panel system installed on the ceiling. According to the sun position, the metal part of the system reflects the light, and this creates the "glittering" effect. It is nice :) to see.
Then I met people, and I realized that Greek are really similar to Italian. They are warm and simple. I like it :).
I 'm also amazing that I remember most of the streets' and areas' names, and some Greek words as well: kalimera, euphcaristo polli, signomi, avrio, parakallo, apodixi ... ;).
Unfortunately I don't have pictures to publish ... but I 'll take some not to late, who knows? ;P.

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