Wednesday 27 June 2007

Treasure of life : Music, Sea and People

This morning, driving to the office I felt a sense of serenity, maybe because I 'd just left a beautiful place, far from city and traffic and problems....
In these last days I realized that there are 3 things in the life totally free and they are the best things you can meet in your life: MUSIC, SEA and PEOPLE. I think they are fantastic because they exist, independently you asked for them, independently you payed for them, they are there, and you can listen to them, talk with them, let be involved with them...WOW!
Maybe I 'll explain my feeling by using some pictures...let me search for them :P.
I 'm inclined to put them in a priority order: Music, Sea and People..this is the order I prefer today.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sei simpatica, carina, molto alla mano, potrei scrivere solo cose caspita l´inglese no! Ho una certa repulsione per questa lingua, che ci posso fare?

Un bacino

nonostante l´idioma ti seguiró