Hi there!
I was just watching TV when a guy in a local channel said : "If you look for Biancavilla 's definition on Wikipedia you will find : despite its small size it is famous for Cosa Nostra" ... AMAZING!!! He continued saying : "Biancavilla people have the right to denounce Wikipedia, because it damages Biancavilla 's image"...
I checked on Wikipedia immediately, and unfortunately it was true. The awful definition was there! I really don't know who and according to which kind of historical information put that definition. Sicily is historically correlated to Cosa Nostra, but it is a truth that can be disproved by just visiting the country nowadays.
So, as it is well known (my friends can attest :P), I love my unlucky town and then decided that an action was needed.
Instead of denounce Wikipedia, I decided to SIMPLY change the definition. And now it looks like Biancavilla :))). Maybe the guy doesn't know that Wikipedia is a open encyclopedia ;).
Now it is just the beginning, a good beginning! Anyone wants to add and increase the page is welcome :), but be careful I 'm going to check sometimes!
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