I have the pleasure to introduce the "Tune" to everybody :).
Another post related to music is going to be added to my blog.

This is a group that I met for the first time on my last birthday, more or less one month ago. A friend of mine is a member of the group, i.e. the bass player.
The "Tune" usually plays in Catania's pubs. Yesterday they played at Barrique pub. I had my last birthday's party there :) and it was a beautiful party, I enjoyed it very much!
First time I met, I liked the singer so much. She has a "stinging" voice but most of the time she sing softly. Unfortunately, while singing her voice is covered by instruments and is very hard to listen to her.
Yesterday she was nice, but she wasn't strong, she didn't express all her force. Maybe my impression is not exactly the same that people in the pub felt, but this is what I caught. She didn't transmit me any special emotion, I couldn't feel the happiness/desperation in her singing. It seemed that she was just singing and not thinking about songs content. She can do better I know, I saw!
I don't know how difficult is to express the emotion in singing a song, but the 2 greatest singers I 've met till today said me that this is the secret of a good singing.
I observed each member of the group. There were a bass, a battery, a guitar, a pianola, a trumpet and a sax...and the voice ;P. Attending a LIVE concert is always a big emotion. The music reaches your mind and heart.
Music they played was pop music and sometime jazz, but I liked more the music they played at my party.

Time by time, this blog is collecting information about group and as soon as I meet new singers I 'll try to catch the secret to spread emotion using the voice.
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