Tuesday 7 October 2008

Human beings ...

Uhm, recently I 've met a lot of persons. Different cultures, different ages, a lot of human various beings.
And I 'm learning, at least thinking about world..too big maybe!..about people and public relations is much easier.
Maybe one of mine most common errors is creating an idea in my mind of the person I 'm talking with after few times I 've met him/her. This is called "prejudice" most probably. And this prevents me to understand and live that person.
I 'm learning day by day do not care about people behavior in some specific situations but only live the public relations and learn when some situations give the opportunity to learn, and forget if it doesn't.
I remember when I wrote this post about treasures of life, and now I 'm back to think about people, how much complex they are .. and how much beautiful they are.

Sorry for this maybe stupid but just a personal thought ;).


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